Well, the answer is simple. Those products are made from chemicals. Bacteria can easily become resistant to all forms of antibiotics. That's why we are making our mouthwash using a herbal base, as the herbs used in our product are pure and un-simplified, bacteria cannot learn resistance against these herbs. For an in-depth study to bacterial resistance, please proceed to our research section.
Now, hundreds of millions of people worldwide suffer from bad breath. If everybody starts to use chemical mouthwashes, it only takes a group of people to misuse these chemical mouthwashes by throwing out the mouthwash from their mouths only after a few seconds of gargling. This will cause 'Natural Selection' in bacteria to take place, where the more resistant bacteria are not killed and are left there with more space for them to grow and multiply, reducing the amount of good bacteria in the mouth.
Furthermore, chemical mouthwashes are unable to say that they can kill all the bacteria and pathogens in the mouth. As mentioned above, these pathogens will grown and multiply to occupy the space once used by the good bacteria.
We should all make an effort to stop bacterial resistance by switiching to natural products and to look for alternative sources of medidine other than Pharmeuciticals.
For more information, please proceed to our research section.